Removing make-up before you hit the sack at night is one of the most important skin care steps. In fact, no information about skin care is complete if it doesn’t stress the importance of removing make-up and keeping the skin clean. After all, it is important let your skin breathe and regenerate at night as you sleep.
Well, let’s face it, removing make-up is not that tough a job. But still, thereare an alarming percentage of women who skip this nightly routine. After a hard day’s work, it’s no surprise that women go to or fall asleep without remembering to take off their make-up. But then this habit can be extremely damaging.
Leaving make-up on your skin during the night tends to clog your skin pores and give rise to breakouts and acne blemishes. In fact, when cosmetic particles get trapped within the skin pores, they make the pores appear larger and this paves the way for the development of ugly pimples.
Here is a step by step procedure to remove make-up from your skin effectively!
Start by removing your Eye Makeup
A regular cleanser or make-up remover may not be able to remove eye make-up effectively because mascara and eye shadows generally contain very stubborn cosmetic particles. Therefore, use a special eye make-up remover to wipe of all the make-up from the eyes and around. Take care not to stretch the delicate skin of the eye contours.
Cleanse your face with a Cleanser
Wet your face and apply a cleanser to wash your entire face and neck areas. Make sure you the areas where you had make-up on like the mouth andcheeks, etc. Rinse well! Make sure you remove all traces of cosmetics as well as the cleanser.
Tone your skin
Use a good toner or astringent to wipe your face. Toners remove all the leftover particles of make-up and cosmetics that the cleanser would have missed. Moreover, they also normalize the pH balance of the skin and reduce the pore size.
There you go! Follow these steps diligently as you remove your make-up at night every day. And remember, your skin is only as healthy as you keep it!